Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 09, 2012
Things I Found While Walking My Dogs...

Nicole’s room was the place where the little people would come to smoke cigarettes at night, especially if her mom was in the kitchen. Nicole didn’t mind because their cigarettes were so small, like little grains of rice, you could hardly smell them -- and if she cracked her window just a bit there’d be no smell at all. The little people first came into Nicole’s room when she was sick that time with sore ears and they’d bother her dog and get him all hyper until he’d bark so much her mother would take him out so he’d stop hurting her ears. But they didn’t really hurt that much and the lady in the apartment next door who worked at the drug store said Nicole could go back to school in a couple days. Nicole saw 5 little people the first time and then five again the second time but with three new girl ones. They were little, but big enough to jump onto her computer table with one jump. It took two of them to turn her computer on. The boy little people would look at porn and the girl little people would chat on-line with their friends who Nicole guessed were also little but she couldn’t tell from their on-line pictures. When Nicole’s mom did a “safety search” on Nicole’s computer and found all the chatting and porn Nicole lost her on-line privileges for two weeks. Nicole tried to explain it was the little people but then she lost her privileges for another week for being a stinking little liar.