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Friday, September 04, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
All Hail the "Birthers!"

It all simply boils down to one irrefutable fact: U.S. Citizen Obama is the duly elected President of the United States.
Any military personnel who refuse to deploy when ordered by their CinC are disobeying orders and should be punished appropriately.
There is more evidence that Obama is a U.S. Citizen than there is that George W. Bush actually won the 2000 election so in reality, EVERYTHING the Bush Administration committed between 1/2001 and 1/2009 can be considered a crime, not just the ACTUAL crimes they committed in our names.
The "No he isn't! / "Yes he is!" fight is as petty and irrelevant as any you'd find on an elementary school monkey-bars.
It's not about birth certificates (because honestly, Birthers, you know you're not going to accept ANYthing as final proof, am I right?) and it's not about the latest wwrglblrgl Sarah Palin (bless her heart!) is drooling. It's about the bait-and-switch.
The politicians (especially the NeoCons) LOVE it when we get into these arguments because it distracts us from the real problems in this country that they're not fixing while they rob us blind.
If you believe that Obama's not legally the President, or that his health plan has secret "death panels," or that his policies are "Socialist," then you are just as stupid as your Congressmen and Senators were hoping you were.
If Senator McCain had won in 2008 can you imagine the shiat-storm of scorn and revilement these same birthers would be flinging on anyone who questioned HIS citizenship? At least Obama was born in the United States! (McCain being born on a US Navy base in Panama isn't enough to make him a citizen, it's his parents. Same as Obama and HIS mother for you Birthers who need to go all the way to an Indonesian birth to make your crazy math work.)
So Birthers, let's just drop this insanity and get back to fixing the country. And if you can't drop it, at least get out of the way so the rest of us can fix the country for you, while you hang out with your mental equals: Bigfoot Hunters, Alien Abductees, and Glenn Beck.
On second thought, I think Bigfoot Hunters probably have more going on upstairs than Glenn Beck.
Rage-filled Right-Wing mouth-frothers may now line up on the left to rebut.