Thursday, October 01, 2009



Isn't this just another EW list with a made-up topic so that the editors can brag about basically *their* favorite shows? I thought a "cult" show was one that doesn't play well across the board, sometimes with critics -- mostly with mainstream viewers, but is appreciated by a small group of die-hard fans. "Off-Beat" (as mentioned in the article header) isn't the same as "cult."

"Buffy?" Really? A cult show? Wasn't that a huge hit for the WB? And "X-Files?" Sure, it's purposefully made to *seem* like a cult show but it practically helped put FOX on the map. The show it was imitating, "Twin Peaks," is a cult show. "Venture Brothers?" A huge hit for Cartoon Network... also the animated "Tick." The live action "Tick...?" Now THAT'S a cult show, as was "Get a Life." "Prisoner:" a cult show. "Dr. Who:" a MASSIVE hit that's been running for, what, 45 (45!!!) years? When is this no longer a cult show? Maybe around year 25... 26? "Veronica Mars" was a GIANT hit for UPN until it started sucking, and low-numbers-due-to-suck + a hot chick does not equal "cult." Isn't "Chuck" STILL ON!? Trust me, NBC does NOT broadcast "cult" shows.

"Battlestar Galactica," the show that launched SyFy channel into the medium/big leagues, a cult show? Now that's just silly.

BUT the ONE omission that makes this entire list null-and-void is the lack of "Arrested Development." That sea-sick inducing, shakey-cam'd, barely tolerable bowl of beloved "preciousness" is a true cult show, no matter how much you might hate it.

Good night, god bless...

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